Results for 'Nalapat Narayana Menon'

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  1. Ārṣajñānaṃ.Nalapat Narayana Menon - 1970
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    The language of music.Narayana Menon & K. V. - 1994 - New Delhi: Publications Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Govt. of India.
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    Shorter Philosophical Poems of Narayana Guru: Brahmavidyā Pañcakam, Advaita Dīpikā, Aṛivu, Homa Mantram, Daiva Daśakam.Narayana Prasad - 2009 - D.K. Printworld. Edited by Narayana Guru.
    Commentary on the philosophical poems by Narayana Guru, 1856-1928, philosopher-saint; includes text.
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    Three ācāryas and Narayana Guru: the ongoing revaluation of Vedānta.Narayana Prasad - 2011 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
    Pt. 1. The lives and teachings of the three Ācāryas and Narayana Guru -- pt. 2. Ideas of the three Ācāryas unitively revisualised.
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    Garland of visions: Darśanamālā of Narayana Guru.Narayana Guru - 2007 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld. Edited by Narayana Prasad.
    Work on Advaita philosophy; text, translation, study with interpretation.
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    A cry in the wilderness: the works of Nārāyaṇa Guru.Narayana Guru - 2022 - Gurugram, Harayana: HarperCollins Publishers India. Edited by Vinaya Chaitanya.
    What is your name, from where, of which caste, what job, how old? One who is free from such questions, his alone is beatitude. In the verdant countryside of south-west India, at the turn of the last century, lived the great poet-seer Narayana Guru. His message was very simple: 'Man is of one caste, one religion and one God / Of one same womb, one same form, with no difference at all.' Grounded in the mystical depths of life, he (...)
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  7. Ātmōpadēśaśatakaṃ: Śr̲īnārāyaṇagurudēva viracitaṃ, śatābdipatippȧ.Narayana Guru - 1996 - Tiruvanantapuraṃ: Kēraḷa Bhāṣā Inst̲t̲it̲t̲yuṭṭȧ. Edited by Ke Śr̲īnivāsan.
    Original text with commentary on Ātmōpadēśaśtakam of Sri Narayana Guru, b. 1856-1928, work on philosophy of Ātman.
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    Concordance of the Resting State Networks in Typically Developing, 6-to 7-Year-Old Children and Healthy Adults.Shalini Narayana, Cody L. Thornburgh, Roozbeh Rezaie, Bella N. Bydlinski, Frances A. Tylavsky, Andrew C. Papanicolaou, Asim F. Choudhri & Eszter Völgyi - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  9. Sisyphean Science: Why Value Freedom is Worth Pursuing.Tarun Menon & Jacob Stegenga - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (48):1-24.
    The value-free ideal in science has been criticised as both unattainable and undesirable. We argue that it can be defended as a practical principle guiding scientific research even if the unattainability and undesirability of a value-free end-state are granted. If a goal is unattainable, then one can separate the desirability of accomplishing the goal from the desirability of pursuing it. We articulate a novel value-free ideal, which holds that scientists should act as if science should be value-free, and we argue (...)
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  10. The technique of Maha Yoga (self-enquiry).Narayana Aiyer & R. N. - 1962 - Tiruvannamalai,: T.N. Venkataraman, manager-president, Sri Ramanasramam. Edited by Ramana.
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  11. (1 other version)Jagajjyōti.Narayana Das & Azzada Adibhatla - 1959 - Vijayanagaramu: Nārāyaṇadāsu.
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  12. Ātmopadeśa śataka.Narayana Guru - 1999 - Naī Dillī: Ḍī. Ke. Priṇṭavarlḍa. Edited by Narayana Prasad & Ji Kamalamma.
    On the concept of Ātman in Hindu philosophy; text with Hindi translation and explanation.
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  13. [Darśanamālā] =.Narayana Guru - 1983 - Edakkadom, Quilon: Sri Sankara Sanskrit Vidyapeetham. Edited by R. Karunakaran.
    Verse work on the Advaita philosophy, by a Hindu religious leader and social reformer from Kerala.
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  14. One hundred verses of self-instruction (Atmopadesasatakam).Narayana Guru - 1969 - Varkala, Kerala,: Gurukula Pub. House. Edited by Nataraja Guru.
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    A critique of Nicolai Hartmann's ethics.P. V. S. Narayana - 1937 - [Madras]: University of Madras.
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    4. a pragmatic response.R. A. O. Narayana, David Shulman & Sanjay Subrahmanyam - 2007 - History and Theory 46 (3):409–427.
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  17. Jaina Epigraphical Allusions: Ancient Indian Surgery.Dra Narayana - 2001 - In Haripriya Rangarajan, G. Kamalakar, A. K. V. S. Reddy, M. Veerender & K. Venkatachalam, Jainism: art, architecture, literature & philosophy. Delhi: Sharada Pub. House. pp. 182.
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    Philosophy of Ramana, scriptures re-lived.B. Narayana Rao - 1961 - Bangalore: Bangalore.
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    The one increasing purpose.Narayana Pillai & S. A. - 1963 - [Madras]: University of Madras.
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    The age of Śankara.Narayana Sastry & S. T. - 1971 - Madras: B. G. Paul. Edited by Tandalam Narayana Kumaraswamy.
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  21. Large-scale brain networks and psychopathology: a unifying triple network model.Vinod Menon - 2011 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 15 (10):483-506.
  22.  67
    Turn and Face the Strange... Ch-ch-changes: Philosophical Questions Raised by Phase Transitions.Tarun Menon & Craig Callender - 2013 - In Robert Batterman, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Physics. Oxford University Press USA.
    Phase transitions are an important instance of putatively emergent behavior. Unlike many things claimed emergent by philosophers, the alleged emergence of phase transitions stems from both philosophical and scientific arguments. Here we focus on the case for emergence built from physics, in particular, arguments based upon the infinite idealization invoked in the statistical mechanical treatment of phase transitions. After teasing apart several challenges, we defend the idea that phase transitions are best thought of as conceptually novel, but not ontologically or (...)
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    (1 other version)The limitations of intertial frame spacetime functionalism.Tushar Menon & James Read - 2019 - Synthese 1 (Suppl 2):229-251.
    For Knox, ‘spacetime’ is to be defined functionally, as that which picks out a structure of local inertial frames. Assuming that Knox is motivated to construct this functional definition of spacetime on the grounds that it appears to identify that structure which plays the operational role of spacetime—i.e., that structure which is actually surveyed by physical rods and clocks built from matter fields—we identify in this paper important limitations of her approach: these limitations are based upon the fact that there (...)
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    Algebraic Fields and the Dynamical Approach to Physical Geometry.Tushar Menon - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (5):1273-1283.
    Brown and Pooley’s ‘dynamical approach’ to physical theories asserts, in opposition to the orthodox position on physical geometry, that facts about physical geometry are grounded in, or explained by, facts about dynamical fields, not the other way round. John Norton has claimed that the proponent of the dynamical approach is illicitly committed to spatiotemporal presumptions in ‘constructing’ space-time from facts about dynamical symmetries. In this article, I present an abstract, algebraic formulation of field theories and demonstrate that the proponent of (...)
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    On algebraic naturalism and metaphysical indeterminacy in quantum mechanics.Tushar Menon - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 105 (C):1-16.
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    Taking up superspace: the spacetime structure of supersymmetric field theory.Tushar Menon - 2021 - In Christian Wüthrich, Baptiste Le Bihan & Nick Huggett, Philosophy Beyond Spacetime: Implications From Quantum Gravity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Supersymmetry (SUSY) is a proposed symmetry between bosons and fermions. The structure of the space of SUSY generators is such that the distinction between internal and spacetime symmetries is blurred. As a result, there are two viable candidates for the correct spacetime setting for a flat supersymmetric field theory---Minkowski spacetime and superspace. an extension of four- dimensional Minkowski spacetime to include (at least) four new dimensions, coordinatised by mathematical objects known as supernumbers. These objects are, in one significant way, quite (...)
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  27. Clocks and Chronogeometry: Rotating Spacetimes and the Relativistic Null Hypothesis.Tushar Menon, Niels Linnemann & James Read - 2018 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 71 (4):1287-1317.
    Recent work in the physics literature demonstrates that, in particular classes of rotating spacetimes, physical light rays in general do not traverse null geodesics. Having presented this result, we discuss its philosophical significance, both for the clock hypothesis (and, in particular, a recent purported proof thereof for light clocks), and for the operational meaning of the metric field. 1. Introduction2. Fletcher's Theorem2.1. Maudlin on the clock hypothesis in special relativity2.2. Fletcher’s result in special relativity2.3. Fletcher’s theorem in general relativity3. Electromagnetism (...)
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  28. On the viability of the No Alternatives Argument.Tushar Menon - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 76 (C):69-75.
    If we cannot directly empirically test the claims of particular scientific theory, then it would be nice to have some other criteria with which to assess its viability. In his 2013 book, String Theory and the Scientific Method, Richard Dawid aims to develop such criteria, with an eye to vindicating research programs in disciplines where direct empirical data is scant or non-existent. In an accompanying paper, Dawid, Hartmann and Sprenger formalise Dawid’s so-called ‘No Alternatives Argument’ using a generalised Bayesian framework, (...)
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    Developmental pathways to functional brain networks: emerging principles.Vinod Menon - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (12):627-640.
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    Some Unresolved Ethical Challenges in Healthcare Decision-Making: Navigating Family Involvement.Sumytra Menon, Vikki A. Entwistle, Alastair V. Campbell & Johannes J. M. van Delden - 2020 - Asian Bioethics Review 12 (1):27-36.
    Family involvement in healthcare decision-making for competent patients occurs to varying degrees in many communities around the world. There are different attitudes about who should make treatment decisions, how and why. Legal and professional ethics codes in most jurisdictions reflect and support the idea that competent patients should be enabled to make their own treatment decisions, even if others, including their healthcare professionals, disagree with them. This way of thinking contrasts with some cultural norms that put more emphasis on the (...)
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    Ch-ch-changes philosophical questions raised by phase transitions.Tarun Menon & Craig Callender - 2013 - In Robert Batterman, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Physics. Oxford University Press USA. pp. 189.
    Phase transitions are an important instance of putatively emergent behavior. Unlike many things claimed emergent by philosophers (e.g., tables and chairs), the alleged emergence of phase transitions stems from both philosophical and scientific arguments. Here we focus on the case for emergence built from physics, in particular, arguments based upon the infinite idealization invoked in the statistical mechanical treatment of phase transitions. After teasing apart several challenges, we defend the idea that phase transitions are best thought of as conceptually novel, (...)
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    Singapore Modifies the U.K. Montgomery Test and Changes the Standard of Care Doctors Owe to Patients on Medical Advice.Sumytra Menon & Voo Teck Chuan - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (2):181-183.
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    How should the ‘privilege’ in therapeutic privilege be conceived when considering the decision-making process for patients with borderline capacity?Sumytra Menon, Vikki Entwistle, Alastair Vincent Campbell & Johannes J. M. van Delden - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (1):47-50.
    Therapeutic privilege is a defence that may be available to doctors who fail to disclose to the patient relevant information when seeking informed consent for treatment if they have a reasonable belief that providing that information would likely cause the patient concerned serious physical or mental harm. In a landmark judgement, the Singapore Court of Appeal introduced a novel interpretation of TP, identifying circumstances in which it might be used with patients who did not strictly lack capacity but might be (...)
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    (1 other version)Legal Commentary.Sumy Menon - 2013 - Asian Bioethics Review 5 (3):262-264.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Legal CommentarySumy Menon, Senior Associate in ResearchThis case involves the balancing of a young person’s right to autonomy and the desire to protect her from harm. No Singapore court decision has determined whether the doctor owes a duty to the parents of the doctor’s 16-year-old patient, to warn them that their child is engaging in sexual activities, and who subsequently has had an abortion. Similarly, the issue of (...)
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    Spacetime functionalists should be inferentialists.Tushar Menon - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
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    Brain, Self and Consciousness: Explaining the Conspiracy of Experience.Sangeetha Menon - 2013 - New Delhi: Imprint: Springer.
    This book discusses consciousness from the perspectives of neuroscience, neuropsychiatry and philosophy. The author argues that the central issue in brain studies is to explain the unity, continuity, and adherence of experience, whether it is sensory or mental awareness, phenomenal- or self-consciousness. The fascinating discussion that this book presents is: How do the brain and the self create the conspiracy of experience where the physicality of the brain is lost in the subjectivity of the self?
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    Sexuality, Caste, Governmentality: Contests over ‘Gender’ in India.Nivedita Menon - 2009 - Feminist Review 91 (1):94-112.
    This article tracks the journeys made by the term ‘gender’ in India. From its beginnings in the 1970s as a feminist contribution to public discourse, destabilizing the biological category of ‘sex’, we find that gender has taken two distinct forms since the 1990s. On the one hand, gender as an analytical category is being used to challenge the notion of ‘woman’ as the subject of feminist politics. This challenge comes from the politics of caste and sexuality. On the other hand, (...)
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  38. Rights : What are They Good For?Nivedita Menon - 2017 - In Alejandro Abraham-Hamanoiel, Liberalism in neoliberal times: dimensions, contradictions, limits. London: Goldsmiths Press.
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    Some Remarks on Recent Formalist Responses to the Hole Argument.Tushar Menon & James Read - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 54 (1):1-20.
    In a recent article, Halvorson and Manchak (Br J Philos Sci, Forthcoming) claim that there is no basis for the Hole Argument, because (in a certain sense) hole isometries are unique. This raises two important questions: (a) does their argument succeed?; (b) how does this formalist response to the Hole Argument relate to other recent responses to the Hole Argument in the same tradition—in particular, that of Weatherall (Br J Philos Sci 69(2):329–350, 2018)? In this article, _ad_ (a), we argue (...)
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    The ‘Outer Self’ and the ‘Inner Body’: Exteriorization of the Self in Cognitive Sciences.Sangeetha Menon - 2016 - Journal of Human Values 22 (1):39-45.
    In current trends in cognitive sciences, the discussion on body crosses the classical divide between the body and the self in terms of nature and function. Embodiment theories have helped to bring in the importance of the role of subjective experiences to understand cognition, and place the process of knowing in a cultural and social context. This article is a critique of the growing trend in cognitive sciences, particularly in affective neurosciences, and approaches, to reduce the experiential self to a (...)
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    Aesthetic Delight and Beauty: A Comparison of Kant’s Aesthetics and Abhinavagupta’s Theory of Rasa.Sangeetha Menon, Shankar Rajaraman & Saurabh Todariya - 2022 - Journal of Dharma Studies 5 (1):51-62.
    The study aims to address the existing research gap through a thematic comparison between the aesthetics of Kant and Abhinavagupta. This paper explores Kant’s notion of aesthetic judgment based on disinterestedness with Abhinavagupta’s analysis of sādhāraṇīkaraṇa. We argue that the notions of “disinterested judgment” in Kant and sādhāraṇīkaraṇa in Abhinavagupta points towards the impersonal nature of aesthetic delight which makes the universality of aesthetic experience possible. Hence, aesthetics in both Kant and Abhinavgupta are not the personal and subjective experience but (...)
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  42. National Resilience: From Bouncing Back to Prevention.K. U. Menon - 2005 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 11 (1):14-17.
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    : Erasmus Darwin’s Gardens: Medicine, Agriculture and the Enlightenment Sciences.Minakshi Menon - 2023 - Isis 114 (1):201-202.
  44.  18
    Metafísica, sonhos e ficção. Kant e os espectros.Walter Menon - 2023 - Discurso 53 (2):60-83.
    O presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar em linhas gerais o desenvolvimento da teoria dos espíritos empreendida por Kant no texto Os sonhos de um visionário explicados pelos sonhos da metafísica, publicado em 1766, com suas consequências epistêmicas. O ponto central é o esquema óptico do qual Kant lança mão para explicar os fenômenos de comunicação com os espíritos e sua relação com o esquema mesmo da percepção visual, bem como dos aparelhos de projeção espectrais usados em espetáculos e seances (...)
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    A study of consent for participation in a non-therapeutic study in the pediatric intensive care population.Kusum Menon & Roxanne Ward - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (2):123-126.
    Objective To document the legal guardian-related barriers to consent procurement, and their stated reasons for non-participation in a paediatric critical care research study.Study design A multicentre, prospective, cohort study.Participants Legal guardians of children who participated in a multicentre study on adrenal insufficiency in paediatric critical illness. Data were collected on all consent encounters in the main study.Methods Screening data, reasons for consent not being obtained, paediatric risk of mortality scores and age were collected on all 1707 patients eligible for participation (...)
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  46. Outlines of jurisprudence.K. Krishna Menon - 1961 - New York,: Asia Pub. House.
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    AI, Consciousness and The New Humanism: Fundamental Reflections on Minds and Machines.Sangeetha Menon, Saurabh Todariya & Tilak Agerwala (eds.) - 2024 - Springer Nature Singapore.
    This edited volume presents perspectives from computer science, information theory, neuroscience and brain imaging, aesthetics, social sciences, psychiatry, and philosophy to answer frontier questions related to artificial intelligence and human experience. Can a machine think, believe, aspire and be purposeful as a human? What is the place in the machine world for hope, meaning and transformative enlightenment that inspires human existence? How, or are, the minds of machines different from that of humans and other species? These questions are responded to (...)
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  48. A journey to God-aspects of pilgrimage.Nr Menon - 1987 - Journal of Dharma 12 (3):310-312.
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    Citizens and 'Squatters': The Contested Subject of Public Policy in Neoliberal Mumbai.Gayatri A. Menon - 2013 - Ethics and Social Welfare 7 (2):155-169.
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    Creation and validation of the PERFECT: a critical incident tool for evaluating change in the practices of health professionals.Anita Menon, Teresa Cafaro, Daniela Loncaric, James Moore, Amanda Vivona, Elizabeth Wynands & Nicol Korner-Bitensky - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (6):1170-1175.
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